Aimee Breslow
Visit of Mrs. Aimee Breslow, Senior Advisor for Democracy and Governance, US Department of State Aid Coordination Office [TAMSS]
As part of her visit to Tunisia, Ms. Aimee Breslow, Senior Advisor for Democracy and Governance, Aid Coordination Office at the US State Department visited the new headquarters of TAMSS and met with members for two hours. the TAMSS team, TILI project partners, and micro-entrepreneurs who have benefited from WES services.
During this meeting the TILI and WES projects were presented, and two partners of the TILI project, namely Mr. Chokri Ouali Director Labor Inspection and Ms. Fatma Aouci Vice President of the National Observatory of Social Security. We talked about their experience with TAMSS, achievements and future activities to be put together as part of the TILI project.
The women micro-entrepreneurs presented their projects and spoke mainly about the difficulties they face in developing their activities and the support given to them by TAMSS as part of the WES program which aims to promote entrepreneurship. in Tunisia.
![Aimee Breslow, Senior Advisor for Democracy and Governance, US Department of State Aid Coordination Office [TAMSS] 1 logo tamss](