FEYZA for Equal Opportunities

Project description:

         This project aimed at promoting the rule of law through gender equality, strengthening civil society interaction with government and community activism in 5 governorates of Tunisia: Gafsa, Kairouan, El Kef, Tataouine, Tunis. The project contributed to raising awareness and empowering local authorities through dialogue sessions; it allowed for the identification of and response to inequalities through a virtual platform of information on inequalities.

Targeted governorates :

Gafsa /  Tataouine /  Kairouan / Kef et Grand Tunis


The overall objective of the FEYZA project is to promote gender equality through implementing actions designed to increase CSOs capacities to effectively contribute to efforts towards reducing gender inequality, to empower and involve local authorities and to raise awareness among citizens.

Our Partners:

  1. Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne Kairouan UNFTK
  2. Association de Développement de Gafsa Sud Gafsa ADGS
  3. Afaq Hawa Tataouine
  4. Association Joussour de la Citoyenneté Kef AJC

Population(s) :

1-Organisations de la société Civile

2- Autorités locales

3- Public général/Grand public

Figures and Indicators

  • 10 CSO beneficiaries have strengthened their abilities, integrated the gender approach into their strategies and actions and developed a joint local advocacy strategy in each region
  • An average of 60 representatives of local authorities, in the 5 regions, are aware of the gender dimension, and are ready to integrate it into their next development strategies.
  • 5 advocacy strategies relating to the Gender approach were developed by CSOs in the 5 regions.
  • 15 community dialogue sessions took place in the 5 regions
  • 5 lists of recommendations were drawn up at the end of the last dialogue sessions in the 5 regions. These recommendations will serve as a reference for their development strategies and their actions to combat gender inequalities.
  • A gender WEB platform entitled "Kifi-Kifek" has been developed under the responsibility of TAMSS.
  • An average of 4042 citizens participated in 25 awareness-raising activities to promote the platform, collect complaints, and raise awareness on gender inequalities.
  • 236 complaints of gender barriers bias in the workplace? were recorded on the "kifi-kifek" platform.

Our Partners:

  • Regional Commissary for Women and the Family 
  • Regional Commissary for Agriculture 
  • Regional departments of professional training and employment 
  • Units specialized in fighting violence against women
  • Regional Commissions for Education 
  • National Observatory for Children’s Rights  
  • Regional Development Departments (DDR)
  • Regional Directorates of Social Affairs  
  • National headquarters for the Family and the Population
  • The municipalities
  • The national guard


9, rue des Pommes El Manar 2092 Tunis, Tunisie.

71 885 344

Quand une passion devient une entreprise sociale