Qui sommes nous

TAMSS s’inscrit dans cette complémentarité entre ce que la philosophie chinoise appelle le Yin et le yang. La passion de servir une population marginalisée, déconnectée, et parfois pour une raison ou une autre, impuissante est équilibrée par la conception, le développement et la mise en œuvre de programmes qui répondent au mieux aux besoins de cette population. 

Learn more about our history.


The history of the Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (TAMSS) is in line with the Yin and Yan complementarity in Chinese philosophy. Our passion is to serve marginalised, isolated, and sometimes, for different and complex reasons, powerless communities. Our approach is based on the design, development, and implementation of programs that best meet the needs expressed by the women and youth in these communities.

Learn more about our history.



The history of the Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability (TAMSS) is in line with the Yin and Yan complementarity in Chinese philosophy. Our passion is to serve marginalised, isolated, and sometimes, for different and complex reasons, powerless communities. Our approach is based on the design, development, and implementation of programs that best meet the needs expressed by the women and youth in these communities.

Learn more about our history.

Areas of intervention

Foundation Facts


Development projects across the country ​


Women and young beneficiaries of our programs


Entrepreneurs trained and supervised


Launched and/or expanded businesses

Nos Partenaires

Associations de développement en Tunisie

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9, rue des Pommes El Manar 2092 Tunis, Tunisie.

71 885 344

When a passion becomes a social enterprise