
« SAWA » Safety And Women’s Advancement est un projet financé par le Département d’état américain et est mis en place par  « l’American Bar Association, Rule Of Law Initiative » – ABA ROLI en Tunisie en partenariat avec la « Tunisian Association for Management and Social Stability » – TAMSS, qui vise l’amélioration de la qualité des services offerts pour lutter contre les violences basées sur le Genre à l’échelle nationale et locale.

Overall objective

Improve the quality and availability of services for women victims of violence.

Specific Objectives

Strengthen the professionalizing of support and counselling centers, accommodation centers and hotlines at the local and domestic level, to improve the protection of victims and their children,

Increase the understanding of the rights and protection granted by the anti-GBV law among victims of gender-based violence as well the staff of support and counselling centers, accommodation centers and hotlines,

Facilitate socio-economic inclusion of GBV victims through improved quality service of support and counseling centers and accommodation centers, including the establishment of sustainable protection, monitoring, referral, and job integration services.

Expected outcomes

Accommodation centers are able to implement a standard system of key services

The violence against women support hotline is available round the clock and seven days a week for victims,

Accommodation centers collect and enter data on WVV into the platform

Increased awareness among victims of violence, at-risk groups, and service provider staff about rights and protections under the law.

WVV have improved their self-esteem and capacity for social inclusion

A draft to establish a legal framework for accommodation centers as well as support and counselling centers was developed with the participation of CSOs and ministries

Service providers, civil society actors and local ministry representatives improved coordination and localized use of the procedures of reference

Increased awareness of donors and funders to contribute financially and voluntarily.




Support and counselling centers

Accommodation centers for victims of GBV

Violence against women hotline operators

Victims of GBV



9, rue des Pommes El Manar 2092 Tunis, Tunisie.

71 885 344

Quand une passion devient une entreprise sociale